(wondrous item, common)
Sunstones are small glass globes that shed bright light in a 20 foot radius, and dim light for another 20 feet. Sunstones can also be thrown, with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface, or is struck hard, it shatters, creating a wave of bright light in a 40 foot radius that is treated as a radiant attack. Creatures in this radius must make a Constitution save, DC 15, or be blinded for 1 minute. At the end of each affected creature’s turn, they may make this save again. If they succeed, the blindness ends. If an undead creature is in the radius, they take 1d6 radiant damage instead of being blinded. PS. This light is treated as sunlight. PPS. You can throw it at a square, treat it as AC 5.
Base Price:
100 gp
Creation Requirements: 3rd level
Creator must know the spells Light and Blindness/Deafness.